Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hakka Style Deepfried Pork (belly) with 'Lam Yu'

250 Pork belly (fa yuk), cut into an inch thick strips
1 tbsp ginger juice
1 tbsp shao xing
1 tbsp rum
1.5 - 2 small cubes red fermended beancurds (lam yu)
1 egg white
a pinch of salt
2-2.5 tbsp tapioca flour
1/4 tsp double action baking powder
Oil for frying

This is very much like pork rib recipe posted earlier...but much juicier...

1. Marinate pork with ginger juice, shao xing wine, rum and fermented beancurds for at least 30 minutes in chiller.
2. Prior to frying, beat egg whites until frothy and mix in flour, salt, and baking power.  Pour over marinated pork and mix well.

3.  Heat oil (high) in non-stick pan (just enough for deepfrying).  Turn to medium-low heat when oil starts to bubble.

4.Lower the pieces of meat into the oil.  It should turn brown fairly quickly so u need to constantly turn it over all the time.

5. Using low heat, give it some time to try fry until the crust crisp up (should be hard when u poke it wif a choptick), and dark-brown in color. (Don't worry, the meat will not dry up, if u use high eat initially - see step 3)

6.  Pick up the pieces of meat and drain excess oil on absorbent paper.
7. Cut it into bite size pieces with a scissor or knife.

Note :
1. Only cut into bite size after frying (step 7) so that it will not shrink when deepfried. It also helps to keep the pieces of meat moist and tender inside.
2. Start with high heat to seal the moisture in meat and turn to lower heat to give time for the crust to crisp up and pieces of meat cooked thoroughly. Otherwise, meat will end up soggy.
3. Only cut when ready to be served. Briefly fry again (uncut) if set aside for too long. It should crisp up again .